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Volunteering Group


We're always looking for volunteers to help organize and promote our next event, serve the association temporarily on a specific project, and offer us opinions/ideas. The ways you can help are endless. Drop us a line today to let us know you are interested!


The Wilton Main Atreet Association appreciates your contributions.


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The Wilton Main Street Association wishes to acknowledge the generosity and community spirit of the following contributors to this Wilton Main Street Park:

$5,000 and up
Cogswell Benevolent Trust
Chuck & Faye Crawford/ Kimball Physics, Inc.
Stuart Draper
Peter C. Hereld
New Hampshire Charitable Foundation
Richard Sharkey
Randi Stein
Charles & Jean Sullivan




Susan Alano/PVA-EPVA, Inc.
Paul & Nancy Amato/Alene Candles
The American Legion Bent-Burke Post SAL
Paul & Bevan Buffum
Glenn Connell/Human Software Corp.
Michael G. Dell'Orto & Jacqueline R. Kahle
Neil Faiman & Lynne Pentler
Terry Flaherty/Label Art, Inc.
Duane Goodell & Charles Leutzinger, MD
Gail Hoar
House by the Side of the Road
Cary Hughes/High Mowing School
Steve Krook
Caryn Mayo
Hal & Joan Melcher
John H. Morison III
Grayson & Natalie Parker/Parker Properties
Len Peterson
David E. Proctor
Public Service Co. of New Hampshire
Fred & Kay Roedel
David & Susan Roitman
Robin R. Schoen
TDS Telecom
Charles & Therese Wagner
Kathleen C. Ware
Leslie Wharton

The Finlayson Family
Frederick R. Lofgren/Hitchiner Manufacturing Co.
Thomas Moore/Green Table Productions
Jim Nelson/Nelson Funeral Home
Chris & Eleanor Owen
Mickey Pieterse
Sovereign Bank
Erinn Steele
David & Gail Worthen
Stanley T. & Claudia B. Young


Jane Alsfeld
The American Legion Auxiliary
Bent-Burke Post #10
George & Joan Andersen
Charles L. R. Anderson
Michael & Serafin Anderson
Sidney & Judith Barnes
Erik & Emmaline Brown
Claude Bunyard
Burbak Companies
Judy Cahoon
Ann Carlsmith
David Deysher
William B. & Marilyn Goddard
Tom & Janet Greenman
Trauger & Alice Groh
David & Sarah Holder
Hubert M. Hoover
Bart Hunter
Joan Lemire/Lemire Real Estate
Jack Meffen/Hendrix Wire & Cable
Will Melcher & Denise Dumas
New Hampshire Masonic Charitable Foundation
Pine Hill Waldorf School
Louis Rossi
Robert Wills
Dorothy A. Wood

We also thank these generous citizens who have contributed time, expertise and in-kind donations to the town and its park:

-Richard Sharkey for the granite sitting wall, two crabapple trees, and three maple trees -- in memory of Rosa Marie Sharkey

-The Wilton Democrats


-The Wilton Adventurers for a yellowwood tree -- in memory of Carl E. Anderson, Jr.


-Laurel Lodge #78, I.O.O.F for two granite benches 


-The Mayflower Rebekah Lodge #40 for one granite bench 


-George Andersen for the park's large display case


-Daniel Donovan for the park's small display case

-Alison Meltzer for perennials in the park's shade garden


-Alison Meltzer (designer) and Daniel Donovan (carpenter) for the park's "Little Library"


-Bart Hunter for building (with Skyler Hunter) and maintaining flower boxes and park benches


-Pine Valley Lofts for supplying paint for flower boxes and park benches


-Chuck Crawford/Kimball Physics Inc. for donating office space


-Milford Rotary Club, major funding for the park fence


-Anonymous donors for Rock Fountain [in progress]


-Wilton residents for donating perennials throughout our downtown


-The residents of Edgewater Estates who water the flower boxes 


-House by the Side of the Road for annual donations of flowers in the spring as well as wreathes and the Christmas tree for     the winter holidays

Call us:


Find us: 

6 Burns Hill Rd Wilton NH 03086

Write us:

PO Box 333 or

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